Sunday 8 January 2017

Is Stardew Valley any Good

Is Stardew Valley any Good.

Stardew Valley is a Harvest Moon like game that is full of heart. It is made by Eric Barone. This game while it can seem tedious at times is very obviously full of heart with amazing characters that have depth. There is a lot of detail and love put into this game that shines through in a big way. It gives you choices of either supporting the local business or the corporation with the corporation able to sell cheaper goods. There are also many different aspects of this game that add a lot to the game. It is important to note that there is currently no multiplayer in the game although it is on its way, this will add a lot to the overall value proposition for the game.

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Stardew Valley is a game that thrives on your investment into the community that you have helped to create attending events meeting people and even things like wishing people well on their birthday can be things that truly add a lot to this game and this makes up for easily where the mechanics may lack.

Stardew Valley is a game about heart and community of one small town. The strongest aspect of this game is the characters so I would recommend this game to anybody who wants a story based game that is overall satisfying. 
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Christmas dinner

Friday 9 December 2016

Is Doom 2016 any good

Is Doom 2016 any Good?

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Exploring Hell
The newest installation into the Doom series can be broken down into three parts, single-player, multiplayer and snap-map. Doom multiplayer is strong at times but can also have times where it is rather weak. In similar fashion to Star Wars Battlefront's hero pickups Doom's demon drops are a licence to free kills. While in demon form you have insane amounts of health and tons of incredibly high power weaponry. This means that until a coordinated group ambushes you everybody who understands the game will simply avoid you, I do not believe the demon rune was a good idea. The load-out system is alright though I would have preferred it not exist so that the game would become more about weapon pickups however it does allow for some good customization, as well as the armour customization being a nice touch. The snap-map is the system that allows player made maps. Snap-map is a node based game and level editor with serious limitations though through it all there is the occasional diamond in the rough. Doom 2016 has the strongest single player campaign that I have ever played. Doom benefits from its fast paced game-play strong level design incredible soundtrack and interesting enemies. The story fits Doom Guy so perfectly and everything about the single-player is fantastic. Usually I don't do scores but I would rate the Doom single-player 10/10 it is amazing in my opinion.


Doom is a game that knows what it is. It is a game that uses video games as a form of media in a way that only they can. It often goes unsaid but Doom also just feels good to play. Moving around feels "right" so to speak. Everything you do is satisfying.
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Snap map


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Fighting a boss
Overall Doom is a game that is worth your money for the single-player alone and everything else is extra. So Rip and Tear your way through countless Demons and be the Doom guy.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Is Chivalry Medieval Warfare any good?

Is Chivalry Medieval Warfare Any Good?

Image result for chivalry Medieval warfare classes
Class selection
Chivalry is a Medieval take on FPS. While there is a third person mode the game is primarily first person. Chivalry is a PVP hack and slash more than an FPS. The primarily melee combat works well with three different kinds of swings. The basic swing which is easy to hit and does alright damage, the slower harder to hit overhand swing that devastates opponents, especially with heavier weapons and the thrust which does damage similar to the basic swing however it has more distance and less width. All of these attacks can be blocked by weapons or shields  however the kick cannot be blocked. The kick is a powerful tool especially against those who rely too heavily on their shield. There are several different classes within chivalry all of which have their own strengths and weaknesses. My preferred class the knight has the most health and damage output but because of their heavy armour is also the slowest with the least stamina. Then comes the vanguard, while they do not possess the same tank like nature that a knight has they have a charge ability that no other class has and the most range by far. Then comes the Man at arms. While the man at arms has little to no armour whatsoever they may find them self being killed by single overhead swings however this is put off by the sheer speed of the man at arms compared to all other classes they also have a dash ability that all others lack.


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The heat of battle
While the combat can be occasionally infuriating and the hit-boxes can be wonky I still enjoy it a ton. Overall I enjoy chivalry though it has serious problems at the higher levels I have mostly played with friends and had lot's of fun. It only takes one person taking the game too seriously and being a "ballerina" to ruin the fun so public matches can be increadibly frustrating, especially because they are the only way to level up and unlock new weapons.

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Killing enemies results in brutal decapitations


Chivalry can be as much unpleasant as it is pleasant. With a good group of friends you would be hard pressed to find a much  better game, however if you are in a lobby with the wrong people you may end up fuming with little to show for being so. Overall I would recommend Chivalry to somebody that is either looking for a more casual experience or has friends that already play.

Friday 25 November 2016

Is Dishonoured 2 any good

Is Dishonoured 2 any Good?

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Corvo and Emily
Dishonoured 2 is the sequel to dishonoured. Dishonoured 1 was a critically acclaimed action/ adventure, stealth game in which you play Corvo Attano, the royal protector. The reason that the general consensus was that Dishonoured was a good game was the amount of choice it gave the player. Odds are that if you have a tough time sneaking through a part of the game there is a better way to do it if you explore the world. Exploring the well fleshed out world that Dishonoured provided was a joy as well as the powers you received for doing so. Dishonoured 2 is not revolutionary in the way that the first one was, in fact it is more of the same. However this might not be all bad considering how good the first game was, if it isn't broken don't fix it. Dishonoured 2's biggest change was in your ability to chose which character you play. This choice is presented to the player incredibly early and is final, however this is a game that warrants more than one play through so pick whatever your gut tells you. If you played the first game you are going to be instantly familiar as not much has changed in the world of Dishonoured. Corvo has the exact same powers as the first game, however with upgrades, all his powers pale in comparison to his blink, blink is his mobility power. Emily is the opposite her far reach mobility power is incredibly weak however her other powers make up for it's lack of power.  Just like the first game there is the lethal and non lethal play style giving you different endings.


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Two Grand guardsmen on patrol
Image result for dishonoured 2 end chaos level
Emily's childhood drawings
Dishonoured 2 has a terrible PC port. This is evident in the low frames the sluggish mouse. The port is so bad in fact that I can't recommend this game as of right now for PC. There are no such issues on console and I wholeheartedly recommend the game for console. There are several patches being rolled out on PC which may fix the issues although it may not considering it is running on the void engine which is a modified id tech 5 engine with several problems. Overall keep your eye on the game if you are interested but only have a PC.


Dishonoured 2 is more of a good thing. It has improved various systems though in small ways. Dishonoured 2 is not innovative at all, however it is at it's core a good video game. It is compelling to play both play styles and has a compelling story with different interesting tidbits depending on which character you play. 

Friday 18 November 2016

Is Diablo lll ROS any good?

Is Diablo ROS 3 any Good

Image result for diablo 3 reaper of souls all classes
Choosing a class
Recently I've come back to what was at launch Blizzard entertainment's biggest disappointment in my eyes, however it has changed a lot since it's initial release. Diablo 3 is a dungeon crawler hack and slash. At launch the hacking and slashing wasn't much fun, however since release they have released new more interesting enemies that enhance the experience from what it once was. Not only this but the loot system has been made better with more interesting drops making the game overall more satisfying. The classes are Barbarian, Crusader, Monk, Wizard, Witch Doctor and Demon Hunter. While people will have their opinions as to which is best I believe they are well balance. Lately the content updates have been getting less common however the developers have recently renewed their support for the game and large updates are on their way in the coming months.

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Later on the game fight


Diablo 3 was harshly criticized for being less like the dungeon crawlers of old of which it inspired. It should also be mentioned that the most recent content, the Diablo 1 dungeon is not very good, I don't believe that it is a sign of what is to come but it should be mentioned. While this remains true it is less so and the hack and slash that it has adopted in its most recent iteration has gotten more fun. As a staple series of the dungeon crawler genre it does not have as much innovation as it should although I admit I am holding it to a higher stranded considering the previous games.


Overall Diablo is a much better game than it was on launch is slowly clawing it's way back to life through the determination of Blizzard. It has made vast improvements since its launch and I believe is worth a try if you enjoyed Diablo 2 or other dungeon crawlers but are OK with a somewhat more casual experience.
Image result for diablo 3 reaper of souls 1 million effects
Maltheal angel of death


Sunday 6 November 2016

Is Warhammer: End-times Vermintide any good

Warhammer: End-times Vermintide

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The playable characters
Is Warhammer: End-times Vermintide any good? As an overall game yes as of late, no. Vermintide is a game that takes the Left 4 Dead formula and uses a Chivalry style combat system. This means that there are four players mowing down in this case Scaven with special enemies on the prowl. Chivalry style combat gives it the first person melee combat that is how you will be using to mow down the vast majority of the enemy. You can play as one of six characters, The Waywatcher, Dwarf Ranger, Empire soldier, Bright Wizard and Witch Hunter. They all have different skills and abilities. Whether it be the many guns of the Witch Hunter, the flames of the bright wizard or the shield of the Dwarf Ranger they all play relatively balanced and different. The melee combat is meaty in that when you hit a vermin it feels as though you truly crushed them. This all sounds well and good, however the developer ,Fatshark has put little content into the game since launch. 

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Some game play
The loot system is core to the game. Most of the loot is interesting in how it changes the players play style depending on the type, more rare items have more interesting effects. Overall Vermintide is a good game however it does falter in the area of new contents and the loot system.


 Overall Vermintide is a good game however it does falter in the area of new contents and the loot system. If you are the type of person okay with grinding and like the left for dead formula this game is for you.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Is Elite Dangerous any good

Is Elite Dangerous any 

Image result for elite dangerous large battle
Large battle
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Small portion of the map, each dot is a planet
Elite Dangerous is a open world space simulator. Elite Dangerous simply presents you with a universe and says to make your own fun. With a map that to this day is still being explored by many many players Elite Dangerous is a game that goes incredibly in depth in its rich world building. There are political factions with different leaders within that all contend for power in a way that you can effect simply by being part of the universe. Something you must understand about Elite dangerous before you buy it and that is that it is very much like an MMO, in fact it is to a certain extent. No matter what you are all in the same universe and can effect various things ex: Political power in an area, key events, wealth of an area and what is valuable in an area. However should you choose you may play only ever seeing or being seen by AI ships. Elite is a game that provides in depth ship building that must factor various aspects in. When you begin playing you are taught the basics of how to fly and are thrown into a vast universe that is at the beginning near impossible not to get lost in. Elite is a game that you must truly love space and all things surrounding that, you must also be willing to fully dedicate yourself to the game in a way that most games do not let you do.
Elite dangerous is a game where you start with nothing but a spaceship and a universe to explore. From that point you may do as you please, however there is a high barrier to entry that could easily turn you off. I can't stress enough that you should be willing to be lost and confused when you first get this game.

Overall I would say that Elite Dangerous is a good game if a little confusing at times. Playing with friends is great fun especially if they know what they are doing and can teach you how to play.